Friday, February 19, 2021

Puppy diaries 2 - “Being” not “doing”

Our cockerpoo pup has a mind of his own.  And his attention span for any one thing can be measured in nanoseconds.  So when Uttara pointed that out to me, I offered  how our minds are very much like that with the difference that we have the ability to notice and with the noticing we are able quieten the chatter and experience a calm, clear and more productive mind.

So I had a clean canvas and some tools and tricks to bring our boy, Rumi, in line.  They say the initial learnings puppies 🐶 acquire are hard coded and really difficult to change.  So if you indulge them and are not consistent, you will be slave rather than pawrent to them.  We needed routines associated with the following ( us humans are better off with them too):

-regular sleep and nap times
-meals, method and place
-training sessions and play to provide enrichment
-structured socialization with a range of humans and exposure to varied experiences 
-toilet training

Underpinning all this is relationship building and trust.  Puppies come with a lot of separation anxiety so you really have to work hard at earning their trust.  

Truth be told, the connection with the little mister was not instantaneous.  Even though I intellectually knew that Rumi was an expression of consciousness like you and me, I had to overcome some resistance to accepting this creature from another species with an attitude of “ oneness”.  

But the most important spiritual learning was  around the attitude of doership!  When I tried to “change” his behaviour to bring about routines with my will and thoughts, he sensed my energy as being forceful with a need for power and control over him.  And boy did he become all squirmy with his defenses on high alert!  So noticing, I eased up and just relaxed my mind and body to give him the space, besides  lots of treats (!) and positive reinforcement.  For eg when I took him to the backyard to relieve himself, and especially when it was rainy and cold, I stood by calmly noticing my impatience and, in that process, letting go of it!  By not  expressing through body language my impatience, I just “being” and using this as an opportunity to notice my restless mind, my thoughts and reactions to them.  I believe Rumi now believes he is doing this and other things (initially for treats) on his own! For eg, Rumi after day 2, began to trust me enough to lock him in his crate through the night, even as I sleep in my bed beside his crate.  I take him out twice at night for toilet breaks and he goes right back in without any protest!  And this otherwise curious and active puppy sleeps through my yoga sessions too.

We have routines for everything now.  I have given up on some sleep and “me” time.  But the breakthrough for me has been the ability to stay present.  I notice the mind’s chatter, telling me I should be somewhere else doing something else and just surrender to the moment without a sense of doership.  The end result - I am now fully able to enjoy and laugh through every moment with Rumi, antics, exasperating moments and all.  I also notice when I try to hold on to these experiences...

There is growing attachment now.  But that is for another blog..,

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